


EP!キッズNo.1 – Sae Mac 83,330RTポイント EP!アダルトNo.1 – Etsuko Bug 521指導者銭 Pre-Phonics ABC No.1 – Aoi Kittie 14,438RTポイント Phonics 123 No.1 – Yuri Buster 15,390RTポイント YLE-SMF No.1 – Subaru Boss 53,860RTポイント Word kids and EYFT – Hinata Dragon 16,807RTポイント Most Promising Reader (Age vs Score) #1 – Takuma Bug 12,166RTポイント Most Promising Reader (Age vs Score) #2 – Yuji Titan 12,405RTポイント Most Promising Reader (Age vs Score) #3 – Ayato Panda 32,778RTポイント Champion Parent (指導者銭合計と読書サポート) – Shinya Sky 2,004指導者銭

2019年の受賞者の皆さん、おめでとうございます。また、リーディングツリーを利用した皆さん、とてもよく頑張りました。この12ヶ月のRTの利用は驚くべきものでした。この調子で頑張ってください。 頑張ったあなたたちはみんなチャンピオンです!

It’s time to announce the winners of the 20190 Reading Tree Championships! This year, there were so many students with really high scores that it was difficult to choose a winner in each category. Everyone at English-Please! is really impressed with how well everyone is doing with the Reading Tree. I only wish we had more than ten prizes to give away!

Congratulations and very well done to the following people:

Best in School, Kids (Total RT Points) – Sae Mac, with 83,330 RT Points Best in School, Adults (Total Shidoushasen) – Etsuko Bug, with 521 Shidoushasen Best in Pre-Phonics ABC (Total RT Points) – Aoi Kittie, with 14,438 RT Points Best in Phonics 123 (Total RT Points) – Yuri Buster, with 15,390 RT Points Best in YLE-SMF (Total RT Points) – Subaru Boss, with 53,860 RT Points Best Teen, World Kids & EYFT (Total RT Points) – Hinata Dragon, with 16,807 RT Points Most Promising Reader #1 (Age vs Score) – Takuma Bug, with 12,166 RT Points Most Promising Reader #2 (Age vs Score) – Yuji Titan, with 12,405 RT Points Most Promising Reader #3 (Age vs Score) – Ayato Panda, with 32,778 RT Points Champion Parent (Total Shidoushasen + Reader Support) – Shinya Sky, with 2,004 Shidoushasen

Congratulations again to all of this year’s winners and a great job to everyone who has been active on the Reading Tree. The participation in the past twelve months has been amazing. Keep up the good work – you are all champions!

リーディングツリーチャンピオンになられた方の写真はこちらからご覧いただけます。 https://readingtree.net/student_pages/2019-reading-tree-mvr-awards/