How to enhance your coffee break. by Jon Hay

You have just arrived at English-Please! Got your children and yourself all cleaned up (of course you didn’t forget to follow the COVID-19 protocols) and your children are off to enjoy their lesson. That leaves you, with this golden period of silence and solitude – at least for the next 40 to 50 minutes. Many parents love to grab a coffee, put their feet up, and enjoy some “me” time. The coffee is nice, but there are ways to enhance it. Luckily, I know four ideas of how to make your cup of brew just that little bit better.
The first idea is to add a pinch of salt. Salt brings out the flavor in most food and can act as a tasty contrast to whatever it is added to. When you add a pinch of salt to coffee this decreases the bitterness of the coffee which makes it much smoother tasting. If you like hot chocolate you can also add a pinch of salt too!
My next idea is to bring some chocolate or cake (or something else sweet). Many people enjoy the contrast of bitter and sweet. And if you have made friends at EP, sharing some chocolate over a coffee is a wonderfully social idea. My next idea may sound a little crazy but adding a small piece of butter to coffee makes it much richer and creamier and if the butter is salted then the bitterness will be a little less too.
My last idea is to add spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg. These spices when mixed thoroughly and in the right quantity add a unique and delicious flavor to any cup of coffee. I hope these little tips help to improve your coffee time at English-Please! Please feel free to use them at home too. ENJOY!

コーヒーは美味しいです。が、カスタムすることで更に楽しんでいただくことができます。ここでは4つのアイデアをご紹介します。 まず一つ目、お塩をほんのひとつまみ、入れるだけ。塩を少し足すことで、ほとんどの食品が更に美味しくなって、そのコントラストを楽しんでいただけます。コーヒーでは、苦味を抑えて飲みやすくなります。ココアがお好きな方も、塩をひとつまみ、試してみてください。

6 Must-Know Classroom Phrases by Jim Usher

Is your teacher speaking a little too fast for you? Does the lesson contain a lot of vocabulary that is new to you? Are you particularly interested in pronunciation or idioms? Well, you’re in luck! Here are six phrases you can use to help you address these issues during your lessons.

1) How do you say ___ in English/Japanese? This is a fairly simple question that can be incredibly useful. For example, “How do you say ‘kyouryuu’ in English?” It’s great for those moments when you either don’t know a word or you can’t remember it. It allows for a quick translation between languages without taking focus away from the lesson or the conversation. It also works for phrases or complete sentences. That said, it’s probably most useful when translating just a word or two.

2) What does ___ mean? Similar to the above, this is a way of asking for help with new language without resorting to Japanese. This works best with complete ideas, such as “What does ‘a dime a dozen’ mean?”, and is very good for decoding idioms. However, if you want to know the meaning of a single word, you’re probably better off asking how to say it in Japanese.

3) How do you spell ___? This may seem like an obvious question to ask but it is surprisingly uncommon to hear in the classroom. It’s very useful when taking notes and can be used to confirm you have spelled something correctly. This should also be followed up with “Can you write that on the board?” if your teacher hasn’t already done so.

4) How do you pronounce this word? This is a great question when you have seen a word written but have no idea how it sounds. Bear in mind that certain words have different accepted pronunciations depending on where in the world the word is being spoken. Even if you’re sure you know how a word is pronounced, it’s worth checking with your teacher – the teachers here at English-Please! are all from different countries so you may even get multiple correct answers to the same question if you ask around!

5) Can you speak more slowly? From time to time, you may find that your teacher is perhaps speaking a little too fast for you. When this happens, you can and should ask this question. This is maybe most useful for new students, for students who have started a new course, or for those students who have recently changed teachers. However, even if you are a veteran, there’s no shame in asking your teacher to slow down a bit.

6) Can you repeat that? / Can you say that again? Maybe you missed something the teacher just said. Maybe the sentence spoken ran on a bit too long and was difficult to follow. Maybe you were writing down what was being said but you couldn’t quite keep up. In these situations, or really in any situation, asking your teacher to repeat themselves is perfectly fine. You can modify these phrases to better suit the situation as well, for example “Can you repeat that first part?” or “Can you say that last part again?” This is very useful for drawing attention to exactly what was said that you’d like to hear a second time.

These six phrases are part of what we refer to as “classroom English”. You won’t need to use all of them every lesson but they are handy to know for when you do need them. When used at the right time, they can solve a lot of problems. You can even use them in combinations – you might ask your teacher to pronounce something, ask them to say it again, and then ask how to say it in Japanese. So, next time you need a little clarification or you couldn’t quite catch what was said, remember these six little phrases.


1)How do you say ___ in English/Japanese? /___は英語/日本語で何と言いますか? とてもシンプルですが、非常に役立つ質問です。知らない言葉や、思い出せない単語を聞くのにもってこいです。例)「’恐竜’は英語で何と言いますか?」レッスンや会話から大きくそれることなく、素早く日本語と英語の置き換えができ、フレーズや文章で役に立ちます。この質問は、1つ、2つ程度の単語の置き換えに便利です。

2)What does ___ mean?/___はどういう意味ですか? 上記と同様に、こちらも日本語に頼らずに質問する方法です。これは、「”a dime a dozen”とはどういう意味ですか?」などのように文章の中のあるひとつの”かたまり”の意味を聞く時に有用で、イディオムを解き明かすのにも非常に適しています。ただ、文章の中のひとつの単語の意味を知りたい時には、How do you say___in Japaneseと尋ねたほうがいいでしょう。

3)How do you spell ___?/___のつづりはどうですか? これはとても頻繁に使われる質問のように思えるかもしれませんが、実は教室で聞くのは驚くほど少ないです。メモを取るときに非常に便利で、綴りが正しいかを確認するために使えます。もしも先生がまだホワイトボードに書いてくれていない時には”Can you write that on the board?”/ホワイトボードに書いてもらえますか?も一緒に言ってみましょう。

4)How do you pronounce this word?/この単語はどう発音しますか? この質問が活躍するのは、みたことはあるけどなんて発音するのか全然わからない単語に出会った時です。世界のどこで話されているかによって、いくつかの単語は発音が異なるので、それも覚えておいてくださいね。単語の発音に自信がある時にも、先生に聞いてみる価値はあります。English-Please!の先生たちは世界中の違う国から来ているので、同じ単語に関する質問で違う答え(でも正しい答え)を聞くことができるかもしれません。

5)Can you speak more slowly?/もっとゆっくり話してもらえますか? 時々、先生が喋るのが少し早いなと感じることがありますか?もしそうなら、是非使うべきです!これは、新入生や新しいコースを始めた生徒さん、または新しい先生に変わった時にも有効です。しかし、たとえあなたがずっとEP!に通っていて英語が得意であったとしても、ゆっくり喋ってとお願いするのは全く恥ずかしいことじゃないです!

6)Can you repeat that? / Can you say that again?/もう一度言ってもらえますか? 先生が言ったのを聞き逃してしまった時や、文章がちょっと長すぎて、ついていけなかった時に便利かもしれません。例えば先生の言うことを書き留めていて、途中でついていけなくなった時とかですね。このような状況や、いや、どんな状況でも、先生に今言ったことを繰り返すようお願いするのは全く問題ありません。 「”Can you repeat that first part?”/最初の部分を繰り返してもらえますか」または「”Can you say that last part again?”/最後の部分をもう一度言ってもらえますか?」のように、状況に合わせてこれらのフレーズを少し変えて使うこともできます。これらの質問は、その部分に再度注意を向けるのにもとても便利です。

以上6つのフレーズは、「教室英語」と呼ばれるものの一部です。いつも必ず全ての質問をする必要はありませんが、困ったときのために知っておくと便利です。適切なタイミングで使用すれば、多くの問題が解決できます。もちろん、いくつかを組み合わせて使うこともできます – 例えば先生に発音を聞き、もう一度それを言ってくれるように頼み、そしてその後で日本語で何と言うかを聞いたり。次回、ちょっと説明が欲しいなと思った時や、言われたことがあまり理解できなかったときにはこの6つのフレーズを思い出してくださいね。

Oyaji Jim’s Joke Corner

Look out everyone – Jim’s joke corner is back, and more oyaji than ever! In these uncertain times of coronavirus it’s important to remember to have a laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine after all so please enjoy these four doctor jokes. Hope these tickle your funny bone! On behalf of everyone here at English-Please!, take care and we’ll see you all in April.

Patient: “Doctor, doctor! You’ve got to help me! I just can’t stop my hands shaking!”
Doctor: “Do you drink a lot?”
Patient: “Not really… I spill most of it.”

Patient: “Doctor, doctor! Will I be able to play the violin after the operation?”
Doctor: “Yes, of course.”
Patient: “Great, I never could before!”

Patient: “Doctor, doctor! Every time I open my eyes I see spots.”
Doctor: “Didn’t the new glasses help?”
Patient: “Sure! Now I see the spots much clearer.”

Patient: “Doctor, doctor! I always get heartburn when I eat birthday cake.”
Doctor: “Next time, take off the candles first.”






自宅で英語を使う方法: 保護者のためのガイド by Jon Hay

How to use English at home: A guide for parents.
All parents can be helpful in their children’s literacy development, regardless of their language, education, or literacy level. Parents who speak little or no English can contribute to their children’s education in valuable ways. English language learners may benefit when they develop solid literacy skills in their first language before learning to read in a second one. Through Japanese, they are already developing key language and literacy skills that may enable them to become excellent readers in English. Helping your child to develop strong Japanese language is the same idea as helping them to develop strong English skills. Here’s a few golden rules for helping your child learn Japanese or English at home: You’re there to help them learn, not to formally ‘teach’ – keep things fun and active!
Praise interest and engagement. A few kind words can go a long way.
If you can speak English already, use English words or phrases as part of everyday conversation.
To help your child at home, why not use English-Please’s Reading Tree? It is basically a free English language library for everyone who attends the school. As an added incentive, students get points. To maximize your child’s potential English skills growth, you should: Make frequent trips to the library. Take a visit before or after the lesson as part of your English-Please routine. Establish this as soon as possible.
Do the homework and remember that it is ok to help your child but remember the Golden Rules above. Additional ways of helping are providing an English reading time and space at home.
If your child loves a particular book, why not purchase it? You could even start your own English book library!
Everyone learns at least one language but few people learn more than two. For children to learn a second language they require a little help from time to time from parents. Whether it be a little encouragement to the establishment of a routine, all kids need a little love and care in order to grow and learn. So, please go to the Reading Tree and get a book out for your child. It is free, so you have no excuses not to.












5 Ways to Say Hello Without Saying Hello

5 ways to say “hello” (without saying hello). “Hello!” Everyone knows that this is the traditional way to greet someone in English all over the world. But does it surprise you that most native English speakers rarely greet their family and friends in this way? Well, it shouldn’t. People in Japan rarely use traditional or formal ways to greet their family and friends. So, this article will teach you five ways to say “hello” in a more natural and friendly way. Excluded are regional specific ways to say “hello” as these are often only used in those areas. Sorry Australia and New Zealand (G’day mate, how ya goin’? Ya right? = hello), The U.S.A (What’s up / Wazz-up = hello) and The U.K (Alright? = hello). Just a quick memo – for a more natural sounding greeting add “Hey ya” to one of the following phrases.
How’s things? or How’s it going?
This one is asking the receiver how their life has been up until the point of speaking. Two responses are permitted – a short answer or a long answer. Ex. Hey ya Mary. How’s things?
Things are good.
Things are good because last week……….

What’s new?
This is a little different to “How’s things?” in that this requires a long answer with plenty of details. You can however say you have nothing new. Ex. Hey ya Mary. What’s new?
Oh, last week we got a new…………
Nothings new, sorry. How about you?

Look who it is.
This is to bring a group’s attention to or cause someone to take notice of another person / people who have appeared. Ex. “Then we saw this huge whale… Oh look who it is. Hey ya Mary. How’s things?” You should imagine that a group is listening to a story about a whale when Mary suddenly appears. The speaker wants to transfer the groups attention from his / her story to Mary.
Fancy seeing you here.
This is used when you suddenly notice someone and you want to get their attention. Ex. “Hey ya, fancy seeing you here. What’s new?”
Good to see you / Nice to see you.
This is a polite way to greet someone. It is also useful if you cannot remember someone’s name. Ex. “Good to see you here. It has been a long time since we last met.” I have a bonus way to say ‘hello’ but it is only spoken in one special situation. This phrase is “speak of the devil”. This is used when you are speaking about someone and then suddenly, they walk into the room, suddenly call or message you. Ex. “Did you hear about Mary? She has bought…… [Mary enters the room]. Oh, speak of the devil, we were talking about your new watch.” So, there you have five ways to greet someone without saying “hello”. Try to use these on your next teacher the next time you see him / her.

Helloと言わずに挨拶する5つの方法 「Hello!」これは世界中の誰もが知っている、丁寧な英語の挨拶ですね。しかし実際には、英語を母国語とする人々のほとんどは家族や友人に対してHelloと挨拶することはめったにありません。でも、そうですよね。日本でも、家族や友人にに対して昔ながらのかしこまった挨拶なんてめったにしないですもんね。この記事では、よりナチュラルで親しみやすい方法で挨拶をするための5つの方法を紹介します。
特定地域でのみ使われる表現は今回は除外させてください。オーストラリアとニュージーランド(G’day mate、お元気ですか?Ya right?=こんにちは)、アメリカ(What’s up / Wazz-up =こんにちは)とイギリス(Alright?=こんにちは)は今回は載せていません。 メモ – より自然に聞こえるために、以下のフレーズのうちの1つに「Hey ya」を追加してみてください。

How’s things? or How’s it going?
これは、いま会った時点までどう過ごしていたかを尋ねています。短い答えと長い答えの2つが可能です –
*例:Hey ya Mary. ー。 How’s things?
 ーThings are good.
 ーThings are good because last week……….

What’s new?「How’s things?」は、より詳しく答える必要があるので、前述のものとは、少し違いますね。まぁ、特に何もなかったと答えることもできますが。
*例:Hey ya Mary. What’s new?
    ーOh, last week we got a new…………
    ーNothings new, sorry. How about you?

Look who it is.
 *例:”Then we saw this huge whale… Oh look who it is. Hey ya Mary. How’s things?”

Fancy seeing you here.
 *例:”Hey ya, fancy seeing you here. What’s new?”

Good to see you / Nice to see you.
 *例:”Good to see you here. It has been a long time since we last met.”

もう一つ別の言い方もあるのですが、ある特別なシチュエーションにのみ使えます。”speak of the devil”です。例えばあなたが誰かについて話していたとしましょう、すると突然、その本人が部屋に入ってきたり、あとは電話やメッセージを送ってきたりした時です。
 *例:”Did you hear about Mary? She has bought…… [Mary enters the room]. Oh, speak of the devil, we were talking about your new watch.”

Oyaji Jim’s Joke Corner (Jim Usher)

Dust off your costumes and stock up on candies – Halloween is nearly here again! A time of jack o’lanterns and black cats, of ghosts and goblins, of all things hairy-scary and creepy-crawly. To help get you in the mood, here are four spooktacular Halloween...

Oyaji Jim’s Joke Corner: Juno

June. The sixth month. Named for the Roman goddess of marriage, Juno, which is also the name of my baby girl. And with that, I give you jokes about babies for the month of June. Enjoy!

Oyaji Jim’s Joke Corner: Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is the one day of the year when mums come first. That doesn’t mean we can’t have a joke at their expense though! So with that in mind, here’s a collection of mum jokes. We still love you mums, we’re only joking!

Oyaji Jim’s Joke Corner

Did you know they officially moved April Fools’ Day to the end of the month for 2018? It’s true, and apparently they removed the word “gullible” from the dictionary too. This month we salute the humble fool – without you, life would be a little less interesting!

Oyaji Jim’s Joke Corner

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Here are a few (bad) jokes for you to share along with your chocolates during February. ♥ Q: What did one toadstool say to the other on Valentine’s Day? A: There’s so mushroom in my heart for you. ♥ Q: What’s the...

今月の英語 – How to explain ‘Otoshidama’ in English

Adult put money in a special envelope and give it to children.We call this “ Otoshidama” and many children looking forward to it.


もうすぐバレンタインですね。英語でバレンタインはSt. Valentine’s day「セント・ヴァレンタインズ・デイ」です。「St.」は聖人を表わし、聖人バレンタインの日という意味で「Valentine」に “s”が付いています。バレンタインはローマに実在したといわれている人物の名前です。3世紀のローマでは妻や子供など家族がいると、兵士が戦争に行きたがらなくなり士気が下がるとして若者の結婚が禁止されていました。しかし、キリスト教の司祭をしていたバレンタインが、結婚できない若者たちをかわいそうに思い、隠れて結婚させていたそうです。それが、当時のローマ皇帝の耳に入ってしまい捕えられ処刑されてしまいました。その処刑されてしまった日が2月14日でした。バレンタインデーは欧米では男性が愛する女性にカード「Valentine’s Day card」やギフト「Valentine’s Day gift」を贈ったり、食事などに招待をすることが一般的です。
フラワーショップは1年で一番忙しい日です。お花が飛ぶように売れていきます。私がイギリスのフラワーショップで働いていた頃、「I’ll be with you forever.」ずっとあなたのそばにいるよ。「You have been the only one for me.」私にとってあなたはずっと特別な人です。など、恋人へのメッセージをカードに代筆しながら、羨ましく思ったことがあります。もしこの時期、海外に行く機会があり、「Happy Valentine’s day!」楽しいバレンタインデーを!と言われたら、「Thank you, you too.」と答えてみてください。


あなたは幽霊を見たことがありますか?世界中のほとんどすべての文化に幽霊に関する話があることを知っていますか? 恐ろしい話もありますが、それらのうちのいくつかは非常に面白いです。今月はハロウィンの月なので、他の国のゴースト事情をお話ししますね。

White Lady – 彼女は夜に現れ、通常は少し離れた道路でしか見ることができません。彼女は白い服を着ています。あなたが彼女に近づくと、彼女は姿を消すでしょう。最も興味深いのは、彼女がイングランド、アメリカ、インド、ブラジル、フィリピンなど多くの国々に登場したことです。

The Egg Ghost – これは韓国に現れる幽霊です。それは腕、足、そして顔がありません。ちょうど小さな卵のように見えます。彼が(彼女?)が隠れたいなと思う時、卵の中に隠れるそうですよ。彼らはそれぞれ独自の性格を持ち、幽霊に応じて行動が異なります。

The Flying Dutchman – この幽霊は人ではなく、船です!この船は海賊の乗組員と無限に世界中を旅しているそうです。海のどこにでも出現することができます。昔からの船乗りの言い伝えでは、大西洋、太平洋、およびインドの海で見られたそうです。もしあなたが船乗りであれば見ることができますよ。でもそれは非常に悪いサインです。もしかしたら、パイレーツオブカリビアンの映画にも出てくるのでこの船をご存じの方がいるかもしれません。



まず、質問する言い回しは”What is your favorite thing to do in the wintertime?”です。”ウワット イズ ユア フェイバリット シングス トウ ドウ イン ザ ウィンター?”です。答える方は、”I like to ~”、”アイ ライク トウ ~”です。

Aaron – 田舎の景色を見ながらドライブするのが好きです。
Noah -ホッケーをするのが好きです。
Jim -ココアを飲むのが好きです。
Matt – スノーボードをするのが好きです。
Aki – 私はロックフェラーセンターを歩くのが好きです。
Keiko -毛布にくるまって、本を読むのが好きです。
Norie -家族とお鍋をするのが好きです。
Yayoi – 雪景色の中、露天風呂に入るのが好きです。

皆さんは、何が好きですか? 是非教えてくださいね。


