More New Lessons Added to for 2021! by Jim Usher

Good news everyone – fresh content is up on the website for Express Yourself! Year 3 Semester 1! All 21 lessons for the first half of the year are now available online. As in the past, new lessons cover a range of topics including weddings, national monuments, and interior design. There is even a lesson on New York City!

This semester, we will touch on the impact that technology has made on our modern lives. We start things off by discussing smartphones in Lesson 01 – how these devices help us with our daily routines and how it is becoming more commonplace for phones to interact with the environment around us. In Lesson 05, we will talk about using technology to work remotely, the advantages and disadvantages of doing so and whether or not we think it will become the norm for everyone to work from home in the near future.

We will also be taking a look at topics covering health and the outdoors. In Lesson 04 (Hot Springs) and Lesson 14 (Walking and Hiking), the conversation centers on places around Japan we recommend visiting to enjoy these activities and why we recommend them. They also ask us to consider the health benefits associated with each. Lesson 09 focuses on mental wellbeing, discussing what stresses us out, how well we deal with stress and ways in which we would like to improve our mental health. Lesson 18 speaks on the subject of sleep – are we getting enough, what do we do when we can’t sleep, and how often (if ever) we dream.

And for those who enjoy talking about food, we have lessons for you too! In Lesson 03, we talk about red meat – popular Japanese meat dishes, meat-based diets compared with vegan or vegetarian lifestyles, and the benefits of reducing our red meat intake. Meanwhile, Lesson 11 covers sweets and desserts, asking important questions like “Are Japanese desserts better than European or Western desserts?” and “Do you have a sweet tooth?”

There really is something for everyone in the latest batch of lessons. If you haven’t already had a look through your booklet, why not prepare for the new school year by having a look online at some of the new lessons? Click on the following link to visit the Express Yourself website:

See you in the classroom! We look forward to having these conversations with you!

吉報です!「Express Yourself」のウェブサイトに新しいコンテンツがアップされました。Year 3 Semester 1! 前半の全21レッスンがオンラインでご覧いただけます。結婚式、国定公園、インテリアなど、これまで同様に様々なトピックを取り上げています。ニューヨークをテーマにしたレッスンもありますよ。


また、健康やアウトドアに関するトピックも取り上げます。Lesson 04(温泉)とLesson14(ウォーキング・ハイキング)では、日本各地のおすすめスポットとその理由が語られます。また、それぞれの健康への効果についても考えてもらいました。Lesson09では、心の健康をテーマに、何がストレスになるのか、どのようにストレスに対処するのか、どのように心の健康を改善していきたいのかを話し合います。Lesson18では、睡眠をテーマにしています。十分な睡眠がとれているか、眠れないときはどうするか、夢を見ることがあるかどうか、などです。


今回のレッスンも、誰もが楽しめる内容になっています。まだお手元のブックレットをご覧になっていない方は、新年度に向けて、新しいレッスンをオンラインでご覧になってはいかがでしょうか。次のリンクをクリックして、Express Yourself のウェブサイトをご覧ください:


How to Improve Your Express Yourself! Experience, Part 2 by Jim Usher

This is the second article in an ongoing series advising students of how to get the most out of Express Yourself! classes.

Last month, we talked about trying to do your lesson preparation over the course of a few days so as to not give you too much to do at once and to give you a chance to think deeply about how you want to answer the questions. Somewhat related to this is this month’s pro tip: Do your lesson preparation earlier than the day it is due.

Everyone has a busy schedule outside of their English studies. Maybe it’s taking care of your family that requires most of your hours during the week. Maybe it’s university studies or work commitments. That said, if you’re submitting your EY compositions at the last minute, you are doing yourself a serious disservice.

If you submit your composition an hour or two before your lesson, your teacher likely will not have a chance to read and review it before the class. If you can submit your answers a day or two before class instead, there is a good chance that you will receive feedback from your teacher before the lesson. They could offer you a few helpful suggestions on what you might change. Or they could tell you how much they like what you have said. Either way, this can be really helpful if you lack confidence in the answers you are composing.

Additionally, by doing your lesson preparation early, you have the opportunity to edit your composition if you decide to change or add to your answers later. Don’t forget you can use the “Save and Continue Later” option to make it easier to edit your composition, although you won’t benefit from teacher feedback if you decide to use this feature.

Even if you decide not to edit your online composition, any feedback you receive in advance of the class can be used during the in-class conversation. Just take a note of what was said in the feedback and incorporate it into your answers as part of the lesson. Also, any feedback you receive you can bring to the class to ask your teacher about. Feel free to bring up any questions relating to your submission during the end of lesson feedback.

So to sum up, try to do your lesson preparation ahead of the day of your actual lesson. Doing so allows a chance for your teacher to see you submitted composition and respond with feedback. This feedback can be used to revise your composition if you like. Submitting early also gives you the opportunity to revise or expand upon your composition yourself if you have new ideas.

Don’t forget to try applying this advice when preparing for your next EY lesson. Keep submitting your compositions – we all enjoy reading them!

今回の記事は、「Express Yourself!」








Native Media in April by Jon Hay

April is the start of the new school year! YAY!!! The first topic is from the makers of Ted Talk where they tell the myth behind the Chinese Zodiac and its origins in Chinese folklore. What is your star-sign?
Following Lesson 1, we take a look at Beer Drunk vs. Tequila Drunk. This examines if different types of alcohol can cause personality changes and if there are different types of “drunk”.
In Lesson 3 we explore why the Berlin Wall was built, the implications of this, how it changed the world, and what the destruction of this wall meant for the world at that time.
Our last lesson for April looks at how pain relievers work. You won’t believe what they do to our body to stop us feeling pain!

4月は新年度のスタートです! yay! 新年度最初のトピックは、Ted Talkのメーカーから、干支の神話とその起源を中国の民間伝承の中で語っています。あなたの星座は何ですか?
Lesson 1に続いて、「ビールの酔い方」と「テキーラの酔い方」の違いを見てみましょう。これは、お酒の種類によって性格が変わるのかどうか、また「酔っぱらい」にも種類があるのかどうかを調べています。

Native Media in March by Jon Hay

March is the last month of the 2020-2021 school year. In this month we will take a look at four very different topics.
In the first week of March, we take a look at Bhutan. Why Bhutan? Well, up until recently, Bhutan championed happiness over money and their economy. Happiness was so important to the Bhutan government and the country’s people that a GNH method was invented. What is the GNH method? GNH stands for Gross National Happiness method but what is GNH and is it still championed and used in modern times? Watch the clip to find out!

The second week of March compares American homes to British homes. Some of these comparisons are very interesting and unique. Before watching this week’s clips, I want to ask whether you think American and British are the same? How similar and different are British homes to Japanese homes? Enjoy this clip to find out the differences.

The third week of March explores the idea of maximum pay. What is maximum pay? Well, it is basically a salary cap for everyone in the work force. What are the details of maximum pay and how does it work? You have to watch the clip to find out all the juicy details. Before watching the clip, think about what you think maximum pay could be and whether you think it is a good idea or not. Enjoy!

I have always wanted to visit the Caribbean and go sailing with a bottle of rum onboard. So, what is it like to go sailing, and to be exact, go sailing in the Caribbean? In the final week of March, we follow Miles Rowland. Miles is an Australian who goes sailing in the Caribbean with a diverse range of characters on his crew. In this week’s clip we meet the crew on his ship and we hear some of their stories.





How to Improve Your Express Yourself! Experience, Part 1 by Jim Usher

This is the first article in an ongoing series advising students of how to get the most out of Express Yourself! classes.

It’s Wednesday. You have a lesson at English-Please! in a few hours. You realise you haven’t done your homework yet. You open up in a browser for the first time in seven days. You look over the questions of today’s lesson – they look a little difficult! You look at the clock once more, pull out your electronic dictionary, and get to work…

Does this sound familiar? Do you always do your homework the day of your lesson? Do you know what the questions are asking you before you sit down to do your homework? Do you know what the topic is?

Here is the first pro tip for getting the most out of your EY experience: Read the questions in advance of doing your homework. Open your booklet or pull up the conversation page on your preferred device and look over the questions. Once you’ve read through all of the questions, close the booklet or browser tab and walk away.

What!? Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you read the questions and then get to work answering them straight away?

Well, there are a number of good reasons why you should try this approach. First of all, if you do everything on the same day – read through the material, confirm you understand everything, answer the questions, submit your composition, and attend your lesson – that is a lot of English all at once. There is a serious risk of burnout trying to fit all of that into a single day. It is far better (and less stressful!) to do a little bit at a time, as your schedule allows, and spread the work out over the week.

Consider reading through next lesson’s questions on the evening of the day you usually attend class. Alternatively, look them over the day after you’ve attended class. Read through the lesson to confirm that you understand the questions and that you can answer them when you are ready. During this initial reading, note down any new vocabulary and look these words up in a dictionary. Once you’re satisfied that you have a sufficient understanding of the questions, you’re finished for the time being.

You can come back to the booklet or the website to review the questions as often as you like before writing your composition. Between the initial reading and the moment you sit down to actually write anything, you can take the time to really think about what you want to say. Whenever you happen to have a spare moment – when you’re waiting for a train, while you’re washing the dishes, as you’re brushing your teeth, in the time between laying down and falling asleep – think about one of the questions and how you would like to answer it. You can do this over several days, a little here and a little there, while you are doing other things that don’t require your full attention.

In this way, when it’s time to submit your composition, you already have a fair idea of what you want to say. It should make your answers feel more natural, more real. It should also (hopefully) speed up the process of writing out your answers – you don’t have to think about what you want to say as you’ve already done that!

Another consequence of spreading out the process over several days is that it forces you to engage with English more often than you probably are at the moment. Think about it. If you do your homework on the same day as your lesson, that’s only one day of the week that you are studying and practicing English. That means there are six days that perhaps you don’t read, hear, or maybe even think about English. If this is the case, it might mean that you have more trouble getting into the right headspace on the day of your classes. If, however, you were to read through a lesson’s questions on a Tuesday, think about your answers over Wednesday and Thursday, and then write your composition that Friday, that’s a lot more opportunity to engage with the language between classes. The more opportunities you find to engage with English, the easier you will find using English when you want to use it.

In summary, it is a good idea for you to read the questions of each lesson in advance of doing your homework. Doing so allows you to separate the process of analysing the questions, considering how you will answer the questions, and writing out your answers into different activities. It gives you a chance to think deeply about what you want to say without it feeling as though it is taking too much time. And it provides you with multiple chances to engage with English during the week, instead of English being something you only really think about on the day of your class.

Try to keep all this in mind when preparing for your future EY lessons. Good luck with your next compositions – we look forward to reading them!

Click on the following link to view the conversation topics on

Express Yourself!を最大限に活用いただくために今月より開始のシリーズ第一弾。

今日は水曜日。あなたは数時間後にEnglish-Please!のレッスンを受ける予定。ふと、まだ宿題をしていないことに気づきます。7日ぶりにオンラインで を開き、今日のレッスンの問題にさっと目を通します。時計を確認し、電子辞書を取り出し、宿題に取り掛かります…。



え!?なんでそんなことをするのですか? なぜ質問を読んでからすぐに宿題に取り掛かろうとしないのでしょうか?









Native Media in February by Jon Hay

English-Please is happy to present four very interesting topics for the upcoming February Native Media lessons. In the first week of February, we will take a look at how the Grand Canyon was formed. This natural wonder is world renowned but how was it formed? To find out how nature sculped the Grand Canyon take a look and be amazed. The second week of February will examine what the World Bank is and what it does. If you are like me, you have probably heard of the World Bank without knowing what it is they do. After watching this clip, you will be amazing by how influential this organization is.
The third week will travel to China to learn about the World Heritage listed Terracotta Army. This mysterious site has many secrets that has led to many questions being asked. Do experts know the answers to these questions? Watch the video to find out. The final week of February will look at Bhutan’s unique concept of choosing happiness before their economy. Does a country that highly values happiness really have happy citizens and a healthy economy? Or does a country need a healthy economy to have happy citizens? Or is a healthy mix of the two best? Tune in to see what the people of Bhutan had thought in the past and what they think now. It may surprise you.

今月は、2月のネイティブメディアに登場する4つの非常に興味深いトピックを紹介していきます。 第一週目、グランドキャニオンがどのようにして形成されたのかを紐解きます。この自然の驚異は世界的に有名ですが、どのように形成されたのでしょうか?自然の力がグランドキャニオンを創造した方法を見てみましょう。きっとみなさん驚くでしょう。 第二週は、世界銀行とはなんなのか、どんな役割があるのかについて。私と同じなら、おそらくどんな機能を担っているのかを知らずに名前を知っているくらいかなと思います。
このクリップを見れば、この組織がいかに影響力のあるものであるかにびっくりすると思います。 3週目は、世界遺産に登録されている兵馬俑(ヘイバヨウ)を学ぶために中国を訪れます。この神秘的な遺跡には多くの秘密があり、多くの疑問が投げかけられています。専門家はその答えを知っているのでしょうか?動画を見て確かめましょう! 2月の最終週は、経済よりも幸せを選ぶというブータン独自の考え方に迫ります。幸福を重視する国には、本当に幸せな国民と健全な経済があるのでしょうか?それとも、国民が幸せであるために経済が健全でなければならないのでしょうか?もしくは、この二つともが必要?ブータンの人々が過去に何を考えていたのか、そして今何を考えているのか。あなたも驚くかもしれません。

Native Media in January by Jon Hay

After the New Year break, the Native Media weekly lessons in January will firstly take a trip to India to explore the world-famous sight and experience of train travel in India. Enjoy this unique video with all its interesting sites and stories. In the second week of January, we will learn what the differences are between Prime Ministers and Presidents. Do you know what the differences are? You will be surprised. In the third week we will travel to New York to see where the pooches of the rich and famous stay when they need a hotel. The pampering is unbelievable, take what you are imagining and times it by ten! In the final week we will examine how powerful Hollywood is and what type of power it holds. You will not believe how influential Hollywood is!

お正月明けのNative Mediaのウィークリーレッスンでは、まずは世界的に有名なインドの景色や鉄道旅行を探る旅に出ます。興味深い名所やストーリーが満載のユニークな映像をお楽しみください。
1月の第2週目は、Prime Ministers と Presidentsの違いを学びます。 どんな違いがあるか知っていますか?このレッスンを受講した皆さんはきっと驚くことでしょう3週目にはニューヨークに行き、お金持ちや有名人のワンちゃんたちが旅をするときにどこに泊まるのかを見ていきます。その過保護っぷりは目を疑うことでしょう!あなたが今想像しているものをさらに10倍ゴージャスなものを想像してみてください! 最終週には、ハリウッドがどのような力を持っているのかについて見ていきます。ハリウッドの影響力の大きさに驚かされることでしょう。


毎回大好評の “EY! Mega express” コンペティションのお知らせです。












順次お渡しさせていただいておりますので、まだ受け取られていない生徒様はもう少々お待ちくださいませ。 また、7月よりRCSカウンセリングが始まります。 予約はマイページからできますので、ぜひこの機会にご利用ください。











Why We Study English

英語を勉強するさまざまな理由。 English-Pleaseに通う何人かの生徒様は、国際企業で働く方もいらっしゃいます。彼らは毎日英語で電子メールを書いたり時には電話で話ししたりします。また出張に行く人もいれば、その現地でコミュニケーションを取るために英語を使う必要があります。


Level設定コースの生徒様はlesson5、GPA(Global Passport)コースの生徒様はlesson6の週にプログレステストがあります。





Five Reasons to Be Happy About Your Lucky Man-to-Man Lessons

Recently I’ve had a lot of one on one lessons with my students because other members of the class have been absent. The reaction to this is almost always the same: “Just me today? Oh no! This is going to be so difficult! I’m so stressed out! Panic!...

ホームページリニューアル のお知らせ

12月14日(木) にホームページをリニューアルいたします。今後は教材のページにアクセスしていただく際、ユーザーネームとパスワードをご利用ください。ログインの仕方が分からない生徒様は遠慮なく日本人スタッフにお問い合わせください。








最近、あなたのモチベーションはどうですか? 英語学習の一つの有効な伸びる方法の手段は映画・ドラマと言われておりますが、洋楽で覚えるのもいいかもしれませんね。何を学習するにしても、集中力や忍耐力が必要ですが、自分の好きな「何か」で集中力を高められたらそれにこした事はないですよね。 「やる気があるのに学習方法が分からない」「思うように学習が進まない」という方は一度ぜひ自分の好きな何かで英語を試してみてください。



日本語発音から脱出したい方、必見です。「ミニマル・ペア(minimal pair)」とは、一つの音のみが異なる、一対の単語のペアのことです。 外国語教育では一般に、ミニマル・ペアを使って音の違いに集中させる発音教育をおこなっており、これをミニマル・ペア練習と呼んでいます。帰国子女でない英語学習者の場合は、母語(日本人の場合は日本語)の影響に引きずられて、間違った舌の使い方をしているために正しい発音ができないことが多くあります。そこで、特に大人の場合、口の中での舌の動かし方をある程度「図示的に」「理論として」理解することが効果的です。また、「ミニマル・ペア」と呼ばれる、似たような発音のペアを練習することも効果的です。具体例を挙げてみます。








10月より後期セメスターが始まります。新セメスターに向けてただいま教材を現在作成中です。 通常の引き落としと金額が異なりますので、お間違えのないようにお願いいたします。






(月謝 9,612円、教材費 3,900円)

夜間グループコース/合計 16,752円

(月謝 12,852円、教材費 3,900円)

夜間、土曜日プライベートコース/合計 30,792円

(月謝 26,892円、教材費 3,900円)