This is the second article in an ongoing series advising students of how to get the most out of Express Yourself! classes.

Last month, we talked about trying to do your lesson preparation over the course of a few days so as to not give you too much to do at once and to give you a chance to think deeply about how you want to answer the questions. Somewhat related to this is this month’s pro tip: Do your lesson preparation earlier than the day it is due.

Everyone has a busy schedule outside of their English studies. Maybe it’s taking care of your family that requires most of your hours during the week. Maybe it’s university studies or work commitments. That said, if you’re submitting your EY compositions at the last minute, you are doing yourself a serious disservice.

If you submit your composition an hour or two before your lesson, your teacher likely will not have a chance to read and review it before the class. If you can submit your answers a day or two before class instead, there is a good chance that you will receive feedback from your teacher before the lesson. They could offer you a few helpful suggestions on what you might change. Or they could tell you how much they like what you have said. Either way, this can be really helpful if you lack confidence in the answers you are composing.

Additionally, by doing your lesson preparation early, you have the opportunity to edit your composition if you decide to change or add to your answers later. Don’t forget you can use the “Save and Continue Later” option to make it easier to edit your composition, although you won’t benefit from teacher feedback if you decide to use this feature.

Even if you decide not to edit your online composition, any feedback you receive in advance of the class can be used during the in-class conversation. Just take a note of what was said in the feedback and incorporate it into your answers as part of the lesson. Also, any feedback you receive you can bring to the class to ask your teacher about. Feel free to bring up any questions relating to your submission during the end of lesson feedback.

So to sum up, try to do your lesson preparation ahead of the day of your actual lesson. Doing so allows a chance for your teacher to see you submitted composition and respond with feedback. This feedback can be used to revise your composition if you like. Submitting early also gives you the opportunity to revise or expand upon your composition yourself if you have new ideas.

Don’t forget to try applying this advice when preparing for your next EY lesson. Keep submitting your compositions – we all enjoy reading them!

今回の記事は、「Express Yourself!」






