March is the last month of the 2020-2021 school year. In this month we will take a look at four very different topics. In the first week of March, we take a look at Bhutan. Why Bhutan? Well, up until recently, Bhutan championed happiness over money and their economy. Happiness was so important to the Bhutan government and the country’s people that a GNH method was invented. What is the GNH method? GNH stands for Gross National Happiness method but what is GNH and is it still championed and used in modern times? Watch the clip to find out!

The second week of March compares American homes to British homes. Some of these comparisons are very interesting and unique. Before watching this week’s clips, I want to ask whether you think American and British are the same? How similar and different are British homes to Japanese homes? Enjoy this clip to find out the differences.

The third week of March explores the idea of maximum pay. What is maximum pay? Well, it is basically a salary cap for everyone in the work force. What are the details of maximum pay and how does it work? You have to watch the clip to find out all the juicy details. Before watching the clip, think about what you think maximum pay could be and whether you think it is a good idea or not. Enjoy!

I have always wanted to visit the Caribbean and go sailing with a bottle of rum onboard. So, what is it like to go sailing, and to be exact, go sailing in the Caribbean? In the final week of March, we follow Miles Rowland. Miles is an Australian who goes sailing in the Caribbean with a diverse range of characters on his crew. In this week’s clip we meet the crew on his ship and we hear some of their stories.

3月は2020年度の最終月です。今月は4つの異なるトピックを取り上げます。 3月の第一週目は、ブータンを取り上げます。なぜブータンなのか?ブータンは最近まで、お金や経済よりも幸せを重視していました。ブータン政府や国民にとって幸せはとても重要なものであり、GNH法が考案されたのです。GNH法とは?GNHとは「国民総幸福度法」の略ですが、GNHとは何なのか、そして現代でも支持され、使われているのでしょうか?クリップを見てみましょう


