From the beginning of this month, we have a new teacher starting at the school. His name is Antonio Santosa and we are very pleased to have him join the EP! family. He is a big fan of Japan and Japanese culture, and he is really happy to be living here. He will be doing his training through September and begin teaching classes at Kashihara and Tawaramoto in October. If you see him around the place, please go up and say hello. Ask him where he is from and what he most likes about living in Japan. He is really looking forward to meeting all of you! Let’s all do our best to make Antonio feel welcome!


今月の初めから、English-Please!に新しい先生が着任しました。彼の名前はアントニオ・サントーサ。 彼は日本と日本文化の大ファンで、ここに住めることをとても喜んでいます。彼は9月に研修を行い、引き続き橿原と田原本でクラスを教える予定です。近くで彼を見かけたら、ぜひ声をかけてみてください。どこから来たのか、日本に住んでいて一番好きなことは何かなど、色々聞いてみてください。皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。是非、アントニオを笑顔で迎えていただけると嬉しいです!